
Amira Choueiki Boland

Pioneered policies to improve government services and the customer experience in areas ranging from newborn care and disaster assistance to renewing passports online.

Elizabeth (Biza) Repko

Led critical research projects that exposed gaps in vehicle safety features, and uncovered shortcomings in the reliability of the U.S. rail and highway systems.

Mike Schmidt and the CHIPS Program Team

Implemented a multibillion-dollar program to supercharge the U.S. semiconductor industry that will increase domestic production of chips that are vital to our everyday life and strengthen American manufacturing and national security.

Michelle Daniels, Charles D. Eldridge, Ryan E. Jones and the Office of Public and Indian Housing Foster Youth to Independence team

Created an innovative program offering housing assistance and social services to young people aging out of foster care to prevent them from becoming homeless and to provide an opportunity for self-sufficiency.

Mary Frances Matthews

Reduced the lengthy backlog of disability appeals for veterans by 87% in two years, providing long-awaited decisions on benefits to thousands of individuals.

Gary Washington

Led a technology transformation at the Department of Agriculture, dramatically increasing efficiency, productivity and security, and improving service to the public.

Federal Employee of the Year

Gregory Robinson

Oversaw the successful launch of NASA’s revolutionary James Webb Space Telescope after years of delays and billions of dollars in cost overruns, setting the stage for spectacular discoveries about the origins of the universe.

Management Excellence

Yolanda López

Guided Voice of America through a tumultuous period of political upheaval, restoring the integrity and independence of its news operations while providing strong support for the workforce.

Stephen G. Jurczyk

Oversaw the landing of a rover on Mars, two successful U.S. astronaut flights to the International Space Station and the planning to put the first woman and first person of color on the moon while leading NASA through the pandemic.

Blane Workie, Robert Gorman, Jessica Ilich and the Aviation Consumer Protection Team

Led an aggressive campaign to ensure airlines refund travelers for canceled or significantly delayed flights and require coverage of other related costs when circumstances are within the airline’s control, and held airlines accountable with a record $8.35 million in fines and more than $1 billion in passenger refunds.

Dr. John Palmieri, Richard McKeon, James Wright, and the 988 and Behavioral Health Crisis Coordinating Office

Established a new 988 national three-digit suicide prevention and drug crisis telephone, text and chat lifeline service, helping greater numbers of people receive assistance than an older 10-digit phone line, while providing quicker, more professional support.

Management Excellence

Antonio Rios

Instituted an innovative system that has reduced opioid addiction among federal employees receiving workers’ compensation benefits, while also streamlining and speeding up the process for filing claims.

Barbara C. Morton

Built trust and a customer-oriented culture among veterans and their families seeking services and benefits from the Department of Veterans Affairs by listening and responding to their needs.

Management Excellence

Mary D. Gibert

Successfully coordinated the federal assistance effort for the 2020–21 presidential transition in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic and a disputed election.

J. Christopher Mihm

Provided Congress and the executive branch with nonpartisan, fact-based information and recommendations to curb tens of billions of dollars in fraud, waste and abuse, and improve federal agency performance.

Management Excellence

David E. Gray

Expertly managed the government’s transition of the National Airspace System from ground-based radar to satellite tracking of aircraft, making flying safer and more efficient.

Matthew C. Eanes

Helped lead the government’s efforts to shrink the enormous backlog of federal background investigations and designed the most comprehensive reform of the process in 60 years.

Management Excellence

Osama El-Lissy

Created a highly effective plan that led the United States to become the first and only country to eradicate the pink bollworm, saving cotton growers tens of millions of dollars annually

Shannon Sartin and Team

Led the development of digital tools to make it easier for Medicare patients to access their electronic health records and for doctors to receive payment for the quality, not the quantity, of the care they provide

Paul Shute, Christopher Aragao and David Enright

Dramatically cut the time and manpower needed to make decisions on service-related mental health claims for veterans, helping tens of thousands of individuals each year receive their benefits faster

Management Excellence

Guy Demeter

Developed wide-ranging data management systems that enable FBI analysts to investigate criminal activity and identify threats more quickly

Management Excellence

Ariel Gold

Improved data-sharing to accelerate the adoption of new technologies that increase transportation safety and efficiency, including self-driving cars and vehicles that communicate with one another

Brenda B. Smith and the Single Window Team

Led the development and implementation of a single, electronic portal for exporters and importers to submit information on shipments that cross U.S. borders, saving government and businesses time and money

Elizabeth Angerman and the Unified Shared Services Team

Created standards and methods for federal agencies to consolidate common administrative functions more easily, allowing government leaders to focus more of their time and resources on mission-related responsibilities

John Pilotte and Heather Grimsley

Improved patient care and saved $1.3 billion through a new health care delivery system that compensates doctors and hospitals for the quality of medical outcomes as opposed to the quantity of patient services

Patricia Dehmer

Transformed and expanded the Energy Department’s state-of-the-art research laboratories to meet our nation’s long-term energy needs, leading to breakthroughs in superconductivity, nanotechnology, X-ray imaging and more.

Kimya Lee and the Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey Team

Turned a government-wide survey into an effective tool for managers to better understand employee views of the workplace, providing critical data for leaders to improve employee engagement, satisfaction and performance.

William Gregory Burel

Expertly manages the $7 billion national stockpile of emergency medicines and medical supplies, and has spearheaded 10 major and 30 other responses, from an influenza pandemic to the Ebola crisis.

Steven W. Zander

Developed innovative partnerships between Air Force bases and neighboring cities to save money on essential community services, from recreation activities to snow removal.

Management Excellence

Edward C. Hugler

As the Labor Department’s “Mr. Fix-It,”solved numerous critical management challenges, including saving the agency’s financial management system after its service provider went bankrupt.

Kevin L. Hannes and the FEMA Operation Precious Cargo Team

Coordinated emergency assistance when tens of thousands of unaccompanied minors from Central America crossed the Southwest border, providing them food, shelter and medical care, and helping unite the children with family members.

Ronald E. Walters

Honored our country’s veterans by delivering the pinnacle of care and service at their final resting place, while increasing availability and access to burial sites throughout the country.

Management Excellence

Sonny Hashmi

Led the General Services Administration’s “Cloud Initiative,” improving employee effectiveness, reducing agency costs and creating a model for other federal agencies to follow.

Alan J. Lindenmoyer

Transformed NASA’s space travel programs, helping the U.S. continue important space research while reducing taxpayer costs and stimulating the commercial space industry.

Harry Haskins and the Team

Revitalized a faltering small business investment program, putting billions of dollars in the hands of entrepreneurs who have created thousands of jobs since 2009.

Management Excellence

Kevin T. Geiss

Championed the safe use of alternative fuels to ensure energy independence for combat and support missions around the globe and reduced U.S. Air Force fuel and energy consumption, saving more than $1 billion in 2012 alone.

Management Excellence

Claire Votaw

Developed a shared IT network for American embassies and federal agencies operating overseas, saving money and reducing duplication.

Margaret Focarino and the Team

Led bold reforms that dramatically improved the speed and quality of patent examinations and approvals, helping incentivize new technologies and spur economic growth.

Management Excellence

Elliot B. Branch

Through savvy acquisition and procurement, ensures our warfighters have the right equipment when they need it, at the best possible value for the American taxpayer.

Arleas Upton Kea

Simultaneously managed the critical tasks of doubling the FDIC’s workforce to respond to the nation’s financial crisis and overseeing a culture change initiative at the agency.

Alice Muellerweiss

Established a new unified approach to training and career development to help Department of Veterans Affairs’ employees nationwide more effectively meet the needs of the men and women who have served our country.

Danette Campbell

Designed and leads the government’s most successful teleworking program that has saved millions of dollars, increased productivity and boosted employee job satisfaction and commitment.

Michael B. Smith

Saved U.S. taxpayers more than $750 million over three years by bringing together the buying power of 22 agencies and offices within the Department of Homeland Security.

Ann Marie Oliva

Created data systems that shortened the time it takes to award homeless grants, reduced administrative costs by 90 percent and provided information to better evaluate homeless programs.