Selection Process and Committee

Selection Process

There are three phases of the selection process:  

  1. Once the nominations close, the Partnership for Public Service reviews all nominations for eligibility and completeness. Top nominations will be selected to move to the next phase.  
  1. Next, Partnership staff vets top nominations by interviewing the nominee, the nominator, and the three references. The top nominations will be selected as finalists and announced during Public Service Recognition Week
  1. Following a careful review and vetting process by the Partnership for Public Service, a Selection Committee and the Partnership select the winners, who are announced in the early fall.  

Selection Criteria

The selection committee ranks the finalists in each category based on:

  • The significance and impact of their accomplishments on people in America and across the world. 
  • How well they foster innovation. 
  • Demonstrated leadership. 
  • The extent to which they exemplify excellence in public service.

Selection Committee

The selection committee is comprised of national leaders representing government, business, entertainment, media and the nonprofit/foundation community.  

Selection Committee Year

Past selection committee members include:  

JR DeShazo
Dean, University of Texas LBJ School of Public Affairs

Mo Elleithee
Executive Director, Georgetown University Institute of Politics and Public Service

Janet Napolitano
Former President, University of California

Frederick Wayne
President, Howard University